Through decades of extensive International trade within the shipping and energy segments, Australian Trading Company (ATC) has built a large global network. At ATC we have over 35 years of international business experience with core strengths in maritime and energy.

  • The Opportunity:  Bringing your product to international markets can be an exciting opportunity for a company’s growth as well as increasing its value.

  • The Challenge: Going international can be overwhelming, time consuming and costly.

  • The Way Forward: Is being able to understand the barriers to entry and then choosing the right pathways with the least resistance. This is essential for success.

How can we help you?

Our goal is to help evaluate the correct markets and get your company connected with senior management decision makers through our extensive network.  We will help plan your strategy to best penetrate your intended markets, we will walk you through cultural norms and help to avoid pitfalls. This will save you time and money.

Where you see a cultural challenge, we see old business friends.


Photos on Unsplash – from left to right: Trondheim by Vu Nguyen | Sydney by Dan Freeman.